This is a React Front End that queries the Github Jobs API for job searching. Built with React, and uses a Redux-like store built using React Hooks (Context) as well as a custom connect HOC.
The site also features the option to search a provided area, or enter a custom location. Finally, results are displayed with pagination.
Point N Save contracted me to update their landing page site. I created this site, which uses Parcel as the web application bundler. I also wrote a custom carousel in order to facilitate the scrolling of different images while incorporating a text fade effect.
I worked with a team of devs through the Chingu Cohort to create a job application tracking app. The app allows a user to register and login, and add/delete job application entries.
Users can mark the status of each application depending on where they are in the process, and a convenient summary section offers a statistical breakdown of all their app entries.
As part of another Chingu Cohort, we created a clone of the popular project management app Trello. Features include Drag and Drop functionality, and utilizes localStorage for data persistence.
Users can create project folders and cards, and within each card, add a description, create a tasklist and set a due date.